Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Blog 7: Independent Component 1 Approval

1.For my 30 hours I plan on going in to the Bavarian Garage, a BMW repair and maintenance shop in Glendora Ca. I plan on doing the basic maintenance done on every BMW that enters the shop, for example, I will be doing oil changes and assisting in brake jobs. The basics of any car's maintenance starts with oil changes and simple fixes like switching out light bulbs in the headlights or brake lights. I will be getting hands on and getting my hands nice and dirty and performing the simple but most important preventative jobs, which also includes brake flushes, another preventative measure that we must do to almost every car that comes in the shop.

2. I plan on taking pictures of all the oil changes and brake jobs done while I am there to show the 30 hours of work.

3.Doing this project will help me learn the basics of auto repair and give me lots of experience, which is a necessity when it comes to automotive repair because you must get your hands dirty in order to learn, like Nick a mechanic at the garage said, " You gotta git your hands, dirty ya know?". That is the best way to learn about cars, by just "getting in there" and take things apart and put them back together and learn from it.

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